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Our Services


We Assess & Treat:

Does your child often repeat words or phrases that they hear others say?

Does your child have a hard time being understood? Does your child avoid speaking because they are aware they're difficult to understand?

Has your child not met early language milestones such as jargoning, understanding simple directions, identifying body parts, objects and pictures? Is your child not using first words?

Does your child struggle with interactions and maintaining friendships? Does your child have trouble participating in a group and understanding how their behavior may affect other group members?

Does your child have difficulties reading words fluently? Does your child have difficulties understanding what they read? Does your child have difficulties spelling words correctly or organizing their written work?

Does your child have a difficult time understanding other people? Does your child have trouble expressing thoughts, feelings, and ideas concisely? Do they have difficulty formulating and retrieving language?

Does your child's voice sound roughor scratchy? Does your child's voice tire easily? Does your child stumble over words when talking? Does your child have trouble getting words out? Does your child avoid speaking in certain situations?

Does your child use gestures, signs, or pictures to communicate? Does your child rely on written communication or technology to understand others or express themselves?

Has your child experienced any recent head trauma? Does your child now have difficulty finding the right words to express themselves, learning new things, following instructions, problem-solving or making decisions? Is their speech slurred or difficult to understand?

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